22-25 июня в г. Трондхейм (Норвегия) проходит шестой Международный симпозиум «Carbon for Catalysis».
От ИУХМ СО РАН на Симпозиуме представлены два устных
Synthesis and Study
of Metal-Containing Nanocomposites Based on Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanofibers
for Catalytic Applications;
Synthesis of Pd and
Ag Catalyst on Carbon Materials for Reaction of Nitrobenzene and Nitrophenol
и два стендовых
Creation Of Gold-Carbon Nanostructured
Composites And Study Of Their Shape-Size Characteristics And Electrochemical
Composites Based On Highly Porous Carbon Materials Filled With Nickel Hydroxide
Nanoparticles For Application In Electrochemistry And Catalysis