| 16.06.2021 |
Global Energy News. Zhangxing Chen and Zinfer Ismagilov. In search of a technological breakthrough | 21.05.2021
Technological prospects for developing the coal industry through the eyes of the Global Energy Association experts. The coal industry is passing through hard times. Demand for coal from large industrial consumers is gradually diminishing. More and more generating companies prefer to use more environmentally clean sources of energy instead of coal. Moreover, many large industrial countries have announced that they are abandoning coal completely in the medium term. Against this background, world coal prices are declining, as are investments in developing coal deposits. More details...
The research team of the FRC ССС SB RAS received the 2020’s award in natural sciences in memory of Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Makarii (Bulgakov) | 25.04.2021
The award ceremony took place at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow on April 22. Laureates of the prize in the nomination "Scientific research in the field of rational use of natural resources, ecology and environmental protection": Academician of the RAS Z.R. Ismagilov, the scientific director of the FRC ССС SB RAS; Sc.D. S.I. Zherebtsov, a chief researcher in the FRC ССС SB RAS; Sc.D. Zhuravleva N.V., the director of the Western Siberian Testing Centre for their collaborative scientific work "Research in the field of rational use of natural resources, ecology and environmental protection in the coal-mining Kemerovo region (Kuzbass)". The Makariev Award, a Russian academic prize named after Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Makarii (Bulgakov), was established in 1867 with the aim of: "encouraging domestic talents who devote themselves to science and general useful pursuits ...". |
Governor of Kuzbass Sergey Tsivilev visited the Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS on March 17, 2021 | 18.03.2021 The Governor highly appreciated the achievements of the the Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry (FRC CCC) in the coal investigation field:• coal chemistry (composition, structure, properties, mineral compound, humic substances, bitumens, waxes, resins, etc.);• refining processes (gasification, combustion, pyrolysis, coke products, liquefaction, activated carbon, adsorbents, fibers);• nanomaterials (carbon nanostructures, fuel cells, supercapacitors, C-composites, electric batteries, methane and hydrogen storage, hydrogen energy);• carbon fibers and composites; the Research Facility for Studying the Composition Structure and Morphology of Coal and coal Chemistry Products, laboratory-scale plants for the production of sorbents from Kuzbass coal "Sorbents" and humate-growth stimulators "Humates".
THE MANAGEMENT OF THE FRC CCC SB RAS TOOK PART IN THE SOLEMN MEETING UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF S. E. TSIVILEV | 18.02.2021 To celebrate the Days of Russian Science, the Kuzbass State Technical University held a solemn meeting chaired by S. E. Tsivilev, the Governor of Kuzbass.
The IX-th International Russian-Kazakh Symposium "Coal Chemistry and Ecology of Kuzbass" started in Kemerovo On October 12 - 15.10.2020 This scientific event is held by the Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry (FRC-CCC) SB RAS in cooperation with the Scientific Research Institute of Combustion Problems (Kazakhstan). This symposium is dedicated to the 30-th anniversary of the establishment of the Kemerovo Scientific Center of the SB RAS. |
Meeting of the supervisory board of the SEC Kuzbass and the Coordination council on priority ways of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation by the Council on science and education for the president of the RF - 07.03.2020
Zinfer Ismagilov took part at these Moscow events important for our region. As a result, it was confirmed the expediency and topicality of the SEC-Kuzbass programme as part of Government decree No 162. |
ICCCM SB RAS and the Moscow school of management Skolkovo | 01.03.2020
The project director of Skolkovo Boris Ostrovski visited the FRC CCC SB RAS. This meeting was held as part of the SEC-Kuzbass activity. |
Joint meeting of the Presidium of the State Council and the Council on Science and Education | 07.02.2020
This meeting was devoted to increasing in significance of regions activity in staff development for economic and social branches due to the tasks, which was set by the May presidential decree, also to realize the Strategy of science and technology development of Russia. |
RAS president A. Sergeev visited the FRC CCC SB RAS | 27.01.2020
“We assigned the collaboration agreement with the RAS last February, and now, we are starting to put our cooperation into practice. Leading scientists of Russia will help us in the innovation development of our region,” governor Sergey Tsivilov said. |
Cooperation agreement between the FRC CCC SB RAS and the SDS-Ugol Corporation | 23.01.2020
Zinfer Ismagilov set out a range of projects and pointed out the possibility of pilot production for several inventions. |
General meeting of the FRC CCC SB RAS | 23.12.2019
Zinfer Ismagilov was elected as the scientific supervisor of the organization. |
Council of the RAS on the scientific and technology development of the Russian Federation | 17.12.2019
Zinfer Ismagilov took part in the meeting on March 12. |
Meeting of members of the RAS | 16.11.2019 Zinfer Ismagilov was elected as a member of the RAS by the results of secret voting at the meeting.
Visit of a delegation of scientists from the Institute of Coal Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 30.10.2019 A delegation of scientists from the Institute of Coal Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICC CAS) arrived at the Institute of Coal Chemistry and Materials Science, for discussion of cooperation plans within the Scientific and Educational Center (SEC) "KUZBASS" |
III Siberian Ecological Forum | 16.10.2019 It was an excellent event for sharing information among scientific and educational organizations, regional ministries, state supervisory organizations, manufacturer and miners, also recycling plants. |
XXI Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry | 21.01.2019
The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite academic and university researchers, foreign scientists, pharmaceutical and medical business representatives, postgraduate students and students to XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, which is to be held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 9th - 13th, 2019. XXI Mendeleev Congress is held under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). |
H. Altshuler, 80 years old | 21.09.2018
Today Heinrich Altshuler (Doctor of Science, honored professor of Kuzbass, Chief Researcher) celebrates his 80th anniversary. The colleagues cordially congratulate him and wish long live, happiness and family warmth and comfort. |
Meeting with S. Tsivilev | 11.07.2018
Interim governor S. Tsivilev has visited the FRC CCC SB RAS. His main purpose is discussion on the implementations of inventions in industry. |
Yu. Zakharov, 80 years old | 22.03.2018 Today Yuri Zakharov (corresponding member of the RAS, Doctor of Science, awarded by the governments of the USSR and RF, head of laboratory) celebrates his 80th anniversary. The colleagues cordially congratulate him and wish long live, happiness and family comfort.
N. Eremenko, 80 years old | 16.01.2018 ScD Nikolay Yeremenko celebrates his 80th anniversary. Recently the FRC CCC SB RAS has awarded him with a certificate of merit, and a commemorative address with a bonus. The colleagues wish him long live, happiness and healthy. |
II Siberian Ecological Forum | 24.10.2017
It was an excellent event for sharing information among scientific and educational organizations, regional ministries, state supervisory organizations, manufacturer and miners, also recycling plants. |