

Graduate education (Master level)
The department of Coal Chemistry, Plastics and Environment Engineer Protection of KuzSTU working in a close contact with Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Science SB RAS welcomes students to receive a master degree in Chemical Technology (18.04.01). The education profiles:
Chemical Technology of Natural Fuels and Carbonaceous Materials
The program head is corresponding member SB RAS, doctor of Science, department head Zinfer Rishatovich Ismagilov
The scientific direction is Coal Chemistry.
The direction courses:
  • Theory of chemical processes in natural fuels and carbonaceous materials.
  • Catalysis in coal chemistry.
  • The processes of gasification and combustion of solid fuels.
  • Liquefaction and hydrogenation of solid fuels.
Technology and Recycling of Polymers.
The program head is professor, doctor of Science Tatiana Nikolaevna Teryaeva.
The scientific directions are
  • Polymers and composites,
  • Utilization and recycling of polymers’ wastes.
The direction courses:
  • Rheology of polymers.
  • Chemistry and physics of filled polymers.
  • The basis of polymer wastes recycling
Both directions of Master education are relevant in Kuzbass. The collaboration of institute and department researchers gives an opportunity of the net mode of education application and utilization of the world contemporary level equipment in the education process as well as cooperative research studies with leading specialists of SB RAS. As a result, the master students are able to take part in the research performing acute studies and receiving the knowledge from the cutting edge of modern science.
The graduates are given a State Master Certificate evidencing the graduation from the Kuzbass State Technical University.
There are full-time or extramural education modes available. The period of study is two years.
The education is budget based.
The graduates are welcome to continue their education as PhD-students in the Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Sciences SB RAS according to the directions:
04.06.01 – Chemistry
18.06.01 – Chemical technology
The graduates of master and PhD programs are preferable in following employment in the Institute of Coal Chemistry and Material Sciences SB RAS.
The additional information is available on phone (3842)-39-69-38 and e-mail: