

High-temperature carbon laboratory
Ekaterina Sergeevna, head of the laboratory, ( 36-81-88)

Catalysis Laboratory in Coal Chemistry
Head of the laboratory - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sinfer Rishatovich

Brown Coal Chemistry Laboratory
Head of the laboratory - Dr. H.N. Shcherebtsov Sergey Igorevich ( 36-33-71)

Inorganic Nanomaterials Laboratory
The head of the laboratory is Yuri Aleksandrovich, a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( 58-05-91)

Polymer Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory
Head of the laboratory - Dr. Altshuler Heinrich Naumovich (rafter. 36-88-04)

Laboratory of energy compounds and nanocomposites
Head of the laboratory - Dr. Ph.M., Professor Aduev Boris Petrovich ( 28-15-22)
Laboratory for the synthesis of modified carbon nanomaterials
Head of the laboratory - K.H.N. Efimova Olga Sergeevna ( 36-81-88)